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10X Vets blends networking, personal development, and strategic business practices into a holistic approach for professional growth and wealth creation.  Each of our workshops, meetups, and events is meticulously crafted, feeding into our robust 5-step blueprint for success.

Business Networking

1. Discovery & Networking

Kickstart your journey by establishing strong connections with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals who share a military background and entrepreneurial spirit.  Sharing an ambition and military background enhances the bond, paving the way for collaboration in an environment built on trust. Our monthly gatherings, from workshops to peer circles, are designed to cultivate these bonds.


2. Identify Your Genius

Discover what truly sets you apart. Through our monthly Genius Workshops, paired with Gallup's CliftonStrengths assessment, unearth and align with your core strengths. Recognizing your unique genius fuels passion and sets the stage for transformative growth.


3. Leverage Your Genius for Business Success

Taking what you've learned about your strengths, our monthly Leverage 7™ Workshops guide you to harness that genius for tangible business growth. With the Leverage 7™ framework and a peer circle at your side, your potential becomes limitless.


4. Turn Your Business Success into Legacy Wealth

Convert your business achievements into enduring wealth. Our monthly Wealth Creation Workshops, coupled with access to our exclusive investor syndicate (for those who are eligible), offer a new perspective on wealth generation.  Gain entry to elite investment opportunities, engage in collective due diligence, and collaborate with experts to identify and evaluate high-potential investments. Utilize the group’s collective wisdom for in-depth analysis and strategic investments.

Team Meeting

5. Share Your Wealth and Wisdom

In the spirit of full-circle success, 10X Vets champions reinvesting both wealth and wisdom. As you progress, we encourage you to invest in and guide the next generation within our community. Whether it's through direct investments, advisory roles, or board memberships, your contribution of capital, insights, and experiences not only aids emerging ventures but also fortifies the legacy of growth and prosperity that defines our community.

At 10X Vets, your ambition meets our blueprint for success.
Let’s grow,

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